10 Motivational Quotes for Life in English [with Images]

Sometimes, in the struggle of life, we get tired, frustrated, and give up our quest for hard work. But with a little more patience, we could reach the pinnacle of success. Success is not far off. Success is so far away that we can't be patient.

10 Motivational Quotes for Life in English

We need the same kind of catalyst as chemistry to maintain that patience. And motivational quotes are the catalyst.

Here are some motivational quotes that will give you more encouragement-

The strongest people usually have the toughest story to tell about how life scarred them.
The strongest people usually have the toughest story to tell about how life scarred them.

Life is happiness and happiness comes with making the smallest of impact on the lives of people around you.
Life is happiness and happiness comes with making the smallest of impact on the lives of people around you.

The most important day in your life is the day you discover your purpose of living.
The most important day in your life is the day you discover your purpose of living.

Life, as much as it seems complex is simple – eat, sleep, take deep breaths, live and let live!
Life, as much as it seems complex is simple – eat, sleep, take deep breaths, live and let live!

We live to grow and that growth can only come from understanding and accepting the mistakes we have made.
We live to grow and that growth can only come from understanding and accepting the mistakes we have made.

Live your life in the best possible way you can, we all have a limited time
Live your life in the best possible way you can, we all have a limited time.

Approach is all that matters- instead of nagging pray for strength to go through difficult times.
Approach is all that matters- instead of nagging pray for strength to go through difficult times.

The problem starts with living your fears. How can you live your dream?
The problem starts with living your fears. How can you live your dream?

We are a reflection of our character. Be more concerned about character than what people think of you.
We are a reflection of our character. Be more concerned about character than what people think of you.

What is life without challenges? What is a victory without hurdles? Think on it!
What is life without challenges? What is a victory without hurdles? Think on it!
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